こちらは【会場参加】申込です。 This is the registration page for ONSITE participation. 上智大学および関西学院大学は、文部科学省平成26年度「スーパーグロ ーバル大学創成支援事業」のタイプB(グローバル化牽引型)に採択されて以降、10年間にわたり大学改革と教育の国際化の推進に取り組んできました。 本シンポジウムは最終年度を迎えたSGU事業の総括として、両校の様々な教育の国際化に関する取組みの中からグッドプラクティスを紹介するとともに、未来へ向けたグローバルな学びの方向性について、実際に本事業における取組みを通じて学んだ卒業生と有識者の視点も交えてディスカッションを行います。 Sophia University and Kwansei Gakuin University have been working on promoting university reform and internationalization of education for the past 10 years upon their selection as Type B (Global Traction Type) universities under the Top Global University Project (TGUP) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in 2014. This symposium will serve as a comprehensive review of the initiatives under the TGUP, which is entering its final year. It will showcase the best practices in internationalizing education from both schools and explore the future direction of global learning. Graduates who have participated in various international programs during their undergraduate years and experts on international education will also share their insights in the discussion.