クラスの前半はVinyasaで体を動かし、物理的な緊張をほどきます。後半はヨガニドラを行います。 ヨガニドラは、仰向けの状態(シャヴァーサナ)を保ち、声の誘導に身を委ねます。ヨガニドラ中は体は動かさず、意識を動かす練習をします。 「積極的な休息」とも表現されるヨガニドラは、実は朝や昼にオススメの練習です。 ヨガニドラは練習後しばらく経つと、質のよい睡眠後のようにスッキリ目が覚める感覚になる方が多く、「練習後の1日の心身が軽やか」というお声もたくさん。 必要であれば、羽織る物や靴下をお持ちください。
※ガイドは日本語と英語で行われます。 You'll move your body with Vinyasa for first half of the class to relax tension, and then practice Yoga Nidra after that. In Yoga Nidra, you'll lie down on your back (Savasana) and follow my voice. During yoga nidra, you don't move your body, but you practice moving your consciousness. Yoga Nidra, which is also described as "active rest," is actually a recommended practice in the morning or afternoon. After practicing yoga nidra, many people feel refreshed and awake as if they woke up after a good night's sleep and that they can spend rest of the day more lightly. Please bring socks or something to put on if needed.